About David

David DiLullo is a percussionist, drum circle facilitator and sound worker. His passion is to bring the power of drumming and mindfulness to as many people as possible.

David began his love for drumming in high school. He saw the drumline playing and it was so exciting to him that he took his first snare drum lesson right away...and his passion for drumming never stopped. Later he toured the country with internationally competitive Drum Corps including the Vanguard and Blue Devils. He went on to direct UCLA's Drum Line program, leading them to unprecedented success including acclaim by Modern Drummer Magazine. 

As he studied hand-drumming David became fascinated with both the historical and healing nature of the drum, always asking his teachers about the the sacred roots of the rhythm. This fascination became stronger when David came to discover how drumming could be used to reduce stress and support overall wellness especially in group settings. Later David studied sacred drumming, particularly the Shamanic applications of drumming.

As a percussionist, David brings his own sound and style to the djembe, cajon, frame drum and more. David has performed or recorded with Grammy nominated Steven Halpern, Jeff Oster, Ann Licater, Shambhu, globally acclaimed didjeridoo artist Stephen Kent, Grammy nominated bassist Michael Manring, Gypsy Soul and many more.

With Global Drum Circles, David has led team-building events for Yahoo!, Google, eBay, YouTube, Cisco, Genentech, Intel, Warner Brothers, Stanford University, Volkswagen, Bosch, IBM, the Canadian Consulate and many more. David has also designed custom drumming programs for Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Cheri Huber, Centers for Spiritual Living, East West Bookstore and more.  

David is the creator of The Sacred Sound Meditation where hundreds gather for an evening of sound meditation accompanied by the heart opening sounds of the drum, crystal bowls, voice, and other instruments.

David is a Health Rhythms trained facilitator and is proud to be endorsed by international drum companies Remo Inc. and Vic Firth Inc.  David is the Spiritual Director of Unity San Jose.